In 1998 I sent one of my books to Ivor Cutler, c/o the BBC, and was thrilled to receive a package a few weeks later containing several of his famous 'stickies' and the above note.
A collection of Ivor Cutler's stickers was produced by the small press 'PICKPOCKETS'. entitled 'befriend a bacterium'. It's probably out of print by now, but is well worth tracking down.
Most of his albums have been getting re-releases over the past few years. One omission is PRINCE IVOR, which is a wonderful collection of plays for Radios 3 and 4. Although separate pieces, they flow so well together they form a kind of modern equivalent of Alice in Wonderland, in which Ivor encounters, among others, a mole, a miner, a mermaid, and King Neptune. There is such a lot of space in the recordings; you listen to a lot of silence - sometimes punctuated by footsteps - but it is totally entrancing. There are extracts of eastern European folk music, and a piece from Burundi - the latter in the form of Ivor's new disc which he plays for his dad.
Highly recommened, and which hopefully will at some point get a release on CD thanks to this site: